viernes, 20 de abril de 2018



All around the world are many problems that involve many politic and economic acts, and also natural resources that the coutries have, an example of this situation that we can see is the countrie that is next to us, that is Venezuela, that is why you can see that many people from over there are moving to Colombia, their situation is really bad, that is because a president named nicolas maduro has taken over the country and changed too many things on the economic,political and also social areas and these changes had affected the country. An other countrie that have problems is our countrie Colombia but it have politic problems because a lot of people dosnt think the same about the peace process that was sign last year by our president Juan Manuel Santos , who decide to do this, for the main revolutionary group of the fARC to leave the weapons . But a lot of the poblation dosnt agree with these because they think that all thispeople that have make to many harmful things to our society and they are going to gave them a space to work in our government. The other countrie is uruguay that have a system that offered comprehensive social protection in the early development of social policy. In recent years, however, the welfare state in Uruguay has faced considerable challenges. This chapter will examine social policy in Uruguay and analyse the problems it is experiencing. In doing so, it will identify the political and economic dynamics of the Uruguayan welfare state.

Venezuela is immersed in a deep humanitarian, political and economic crisis. Its citizens are suffering from a shortage of products while hospitals do not have medicines or basic equipment. Experts say that Venezuela has a priority to pay its debt instead of addressing the shortage.
The experts have the following question about how much time is left in Venezuela before it runs out of money. But all agree that Venezuela does not have enough money reserves to make all its payments during the next two years.
It is a difficult situation and a rather ironic one for a country that has the largest oil reserves in the world.
 In ColombiaNobody expected a year ago, when peace was signed with the FARC, that the implementation of the agreements was easy. But reality has shown that everything has been much more difficult than imagined.
But there is also a fact about which little is said at the information juncture and that it permanently affects the implementation of peace agreements: the weight that Colombian society has on the damage suffered during many years of war.
What the country is seeing today and in the future is that reconciliation, the main objective of a peace process, will be a hard and long task that will require political leaders willing to lead it. In addition, of a citizenship that, beyond the grudges left by the armed conflict, assumes that, in order to move forward, Colombia needs peace. Although the urban sectors do not perceive it, it is a fact that the violence due to the armed conflict was reduced substantially. At the same time, civilian deaths from the conflict were reduced.
Uruguayan reaction to the economic Crisisand the economic and political transition that followed in
its aftermath. This crisis not only threw Uruguay into its deepest crisis since
the return of democracy, but also became the initiation of a political reform that is still in progress. The chapterwill pay particular attention to some of the structural problems of the Uruguayan labor market, such as an aging population, unemployment and public sector reforms. These problems are serious challenges to Uruguay, not only in terms of social protection, but also for its economic development. As we will illustrate, unless these challenges are tackled effectively, they could have a negative effect on the social and economic prospects for Uruguay. But now Uruguay has introduced social programs in the areas of education, social security and employment.

Many countries all around the world specially in south america that is  where in some places you can see poverty and corruption, you can find a lot of problem in a political social and economical aspect, these leads many of these countries to resort and ask for help from the bigest countries  so that they do not decay, and try to return  as they were before  or improve to succes as a better countrie.

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