viernes, 15 de febrero de 2019

Christmas storms and sunshine

Christmas storms and sunshine, a story that you think is going to be based in christmas integration as a group sharing,happiness, forgiveness. Instead these relates us and began with a problem between two families for a different concept of ideas in their news paper. Until a biger problem is show in story, were the health of the baby is been afected ; finally in these part of the story they began to show commitment with these situation, doing all the posible things as a group to help, and safe the life of the baby if it wasnt for these big problem situated , these families would continue with their constant problem that would never got to a conclusion or forgiveness, for a lot of disrespectful acts that each families had towards the other one.
In a society were a lot of people have different ideas, there is were for obligation the respect is the principal value that has to be teach and show to everyone no matter the age. These is obviously not show at the begining of the story for eachs families, and something not difficult to understand because they clearly are their only competition in the area of writing; but to take these porblem to their homes. Not just by saying that one of these families is the problematic , because they both are. Not just their different concept of ideas was the problem, because they also were neighbors with problems; getting to the point of making evil things among them .
Its easy to say that these problem is resolve with talking, but is not true because they have a lot of hate and competition between them, that their ideas crash, making them fight more and have an other problem to solve. Instead of these that did not happen, they had to wait in the sotory that the other one need the help, in a critical way; in these case the baby Tom from the Hodgson’s family was the one that had a sickness, that in that time was killing a lot of babys. After the Jenkins seeing these critical problem they decided to help the Hodgson and contributed with the healing of the baby; that was cure. Both families decided to solve their problems in christmas and forgive the bad acts that they had, they eat dinner as a united family.
The theme that theses story let us was “forgiveness”; after seen these both families fighting for a long time and with real reasons to fight; been united to solve a big problem and eating dinner together in a way of thankful and a feeling of satisfaction, because they finally solved their problems; these finally teach both families that no matter the problem you have with the other one, when you have or need help; you have to ask for, or give to someone that needs the help.
Considering that in order to live in a enviroment full of happiness and love, first you have to know that are many people around you, as the story says these two families did not like each other; but they where not happy, because always they were thinking if the other family was going to do something bad, getting to frustated both of the families. These is why you have to be respectful, tolerant, and have a full comunication with the others around; been tolerant with their ideas, and they also would respect yours. 

To conclude we have to take a lesson from these story and improve the values not just with our family; with everyone around us, in order to be a happy and united community that helps and works as a group, for the good of everyone; tolerating that everyone have different ideas that should be respected like the ones that you have.